Our offices in the Forum will need to remain closed until the Alert Level for Covid-19 is reduced to Level 2 or lower. During this time we will continue to work remotely.
While we are working remotely our service timeframes are likely to be longer than usual but we will respond as soon as possible. The insurance companies and financial service providers that we work with are considered ‘essential services’ and remain open for business.
Our insurance partners AMP, AIA / Sovereign, Asteron and Fidelity Life have assured us that COVID-19 has no impact on any existing personal insurance policies. If you need to make a claim related to COVID-19, as with any other claim, you will simply need to meet the standard eligibility requirements for your benefit type.
If you are having financial difficulties at this time and anticipate issues paying your mortgage, we recommend you speak to your bank in the first instance and see what assistance they may be able to offer. Early and regular communication is key and we recommend you address any potential issues as soon as possible to avoid bigger problems at a later date.
For our clients, there are a range of financial relief options available across various products and providers. Some insurers are able to provide financial relief in the form of premium payment holidays and you can contact us to discuss this further if needed. KiwiSaver members may also be eligible for a financial hardship withdrawal and can discuss this further with their KiwiSaver provider. Investment clients may have access to all or part of their funds and regular contributions can usually be suspended for a time.
If you need to contact us please continue to email info@coreadvice.co.nz or phone 03 5789029 for assistance. If you need to speak to an Adviser you can still contact Ross on email ross@coreadvice.co.nz or phone 021 527766 or we can schedule a Zoom video conference meeting as an alternative.
Thanks for your understanding, stay safe, be kind to each other and keep in touch.
We look forward to seeing you all again at the end of lockdown.
Best regards
Ross, Vicky & Cordelia