12 months ago NZ went into a full Level 4 lockdown. So what did we learn during this time?
1. We’re not as resilient as we think we are
A survey from Finder indicated many Kiwis have no emergency fund and would only be able to cover expenses for a very short period if they lost their income. Judging by the amount of loan holidays processed by the banks during lockdown, it appears many people found themselves struggling financially. Covid-19 provided a big wake-up call for many of us and while for most the financial impact was not as large as it could have been, no one knows when the next financial crisis will occur. Now is always a good time to start saving for a rainy day, reduce debt and increase your financial resilience for the next unexpected event.
2. We can survive with a whole lot less ‘stuff’
During lockdown it quickly became clear what was most important – our health, family, internet and basic food items including bread, milk, fruit and vegetables. A lot of the other things that we think we need are really just nice things to have, not essential items. Most of us quickly adapted to living with less stuff and focused on what was really important.
3. Some jobs are significantly undervalued
We all knew how important our frontline healthcare workers would be in the fight against Covid-19 but how about all those other essential workers who kept the shelves stocked, electricity, internet and utilities working and deliveries coming? We owe a big thanks to those working long hours under difficult circumstances to keep these essential goods and services going. These critical jobs are often overlooked and potentially underpaid relative to their importance. We could not have survived lockdown without the efforts of these unsung heroes who were looking after us instead of spending time with their families.
4. Good hygiene is always important
Basic hygiene especially washing hands and staying home when you are feeling sick has always been a good idea, reinforced by Covid-19 requirements. Even once things are back to normal if you are not feeling well, don’t go to work – stay home and look after yourself and others.
5. We need to look out for each other
When the country was dealing with the effects of Covid and lockdown, we were often asked to be kind to each other. Checking in on our family, friends and neighbours and doing shopping for those more vulnerable were small ways that we could make a difference in our community. Our challenge is to continue this throughout the year, not just in exceptional times.
6. NZ is a great place to live
While the world is still struggling with Covid-19, Kiwis enjoy relative freedom at the bottom of the world. We have been able to get back to nearly normal lives and lifestyles with the main impact now being travel restrictions and the impacts on our tourism and export sectors. Many people overseas envy our lifestyle and it is great to see many more locals enjoying more of the New Zealand countryside. We live in a fantastic place which is relatively clean and green, let’s keep it that way and appreciate all we have in Godzone.