If you have an KiwiSaver Scheme account you may have seen a dip in your balance recently.
Why does this happen?
KiwiSaver is much more than just savings – it is an investment. Part of your investment may be in shares and we know that the share market can go up and down.
What might be comforting for you to know is that markets move up and down and we expect these things to happen, we just don’t know when. This time, share markets have had such a long run of good returns that even the smallest movement makes big headlines.
If you’d like to read more about the markets you can read the AMP monthly performance update.
We’re here to help you
It’s times like this that highlight why KiwiSaver is designed to be a long-term savings plan, and why having access to quality financial advice is more important than ever. If you would like more information or to discuss whether you’re in the right fund to suit your savings needs, please contact us.