Whenever you apply for personal insurance cover, the insurers will ask you a series of questions to assist them to make an underwriting decision. These will cover things about your current and past health, your occupation, pastimes and family medical history.

We encourage full disclosure of any medical issues - let the insurers investigate fully and make an informed underwriting decision to avoid any issues at claim time. 

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or family history factors, these may affect the availability of insurance cover and underwriters may deal with these in a number of different ways:

·         Cover can be available on standard terms and conditions

·         Deferment of cover to a later date for reassessment

·         Decline of cover as uninsurable

·         Apply specific exclusions to cover 

·         Apply premium loadings to cover – from 25% up to around 300%

If you have applied for insurance and are offered cover with non-standard terms or conditions – don’t panic! This is often the case as insurers try to make underwriting decisions that reflect the potential increased risk.

We are always available to discuss the terms offered and the implications for your insurance and consider the best option for you going forward.

Talk to us if you have any questions about the insurance underwriting process.