Recent figures released from Sovereign show that cancer continues to be the leading cause of life and trauma insurance claims.

Cancer made up 49.6% of Sovereign life insurance claims and 68.3% of trauma claims in the 12 months to 30 June 2016. with over $115 million paid out during this time frame. Sovereign is one of the largest insurers in the country with a life insurance claims team of 48 staff and has paid total claims over the past 5 years of $1.63 billion. 

Life insurance claims by cause

Sovereign Life insurance claims 12 months to 30 June 2016

Trauma claims by cause

Sovereign Living Assurance claims 12 months to 30 June 2016

We know from first-hand experience with our clients, just how life changing a cancer diagnosis can be for families. We also know how valuable a life or trauma insurance claim can be to provide protection for loved ones and reduce the financial pressure at a critical time.

Life insurance and trauma cover are very affordable options to provide financial protection for you or your family.  Talk to us today about your options. 

* Sovereign claims statistics as reported to the Financial Services Council.