Are your carpets considered to be part of your house contents or part of the house? Could be either as it turns out so it pays to read and understand your insurance policy wording.
Generally, carpets are fixed to the floor by tacking around the edges and as such these are considered to be removable usually forming part of your house contents and covered under the contents insurance policy.
However, we have noticed at least one insurer who consider carpets to form part of the house where these will not be covered by contents insurance. Consider the case of someone who has house insurance with a provider who considers carpets to be part of your contents and contents insurance with a provider who thinks carpets are part of the house. In this instance, they would be uninsured for any carpet damage, hardly an ideal outcome.
This is another good reason to have your house and contents insurance with the same insurer and avoid the situation where neither policy actually covers your carpets. We recommend you check your house and contents insurance policies to make sure you understand where your carpets are insured.
Please contact us if you have any questions or want us to check your current insurance policy.